Take a stroll under the lights of Charleston’s doorways during The Preservation Society of Charleston’s 31st Annual Fall Tours of Homes and Gardens. For more information visit www.preservationsociety.org
The Preservation Society was founded in 1920 by a small group of Charlestonians concerned with the increasing threat to one of America’s outstanding collections of 18th, 19th and 20th century architecture. We are proud that the mandate to educate, plan and encourage the preservation of Charleston’s architecture, history and culture continues today in our beloved city. Join the Society today and receive a 10% discount on the Fall Tours of Homes and Gardens.
The Fall Tours of Homes and Gardens is the Society’s foremost annual fundraiser. This five week event is possible only as a result of the generosity of owners of historic properties, loyal Society members, and dedicated volunteers. We hope you will join us as we share the unique heritage of this National Historic Landmark city with you.
In the words of Elizabeth O’Neill Verner, “Wear our brownstone steps just a bit smoother this fall, and see Charleston in this special way.†Our Board of Directors welcomes you and hopes that each guest will come to understand, as we do, that Preservation is Progress.
09/27/2007 – 10/28/2007