Florida residents and visitors can now call a toll-free number to hear the current red tide status report. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s (FWC) Fish and Wildlife Research Institute (FWRI) established the new red tide status line earlier this year to provide the public an easy way to obtain the most up-to-date red tide status information in Florida.
Beachgoers, waterfront residents, and boaters alike can call 1-866-300-9399 at anytime, from anywhere in Florida to hear a recording detailing red tide conditions throughout the state. Callers located outside of Florida can dial 727-552-2448 to hear the recording.
FWRI updates the recording each Friday by 5 p.m. after sampling efforts for the week have been completed and analyzed. The status line is not the only way beachgoers can make sure red tide doesn’t prevent them from having fun in the sun. Web users can log on to http://research.MyFWC.com to find the latest red tide status reports, which describe red tide severity and location, as well as learn more about red tide and the research conducted by FWRI.
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