Do you have a special gift or ability? A talent that is your profession, your passion or hobby? Arts Camden wants you! Where does your particular aptitude lie? The Visual Arts – drawing, sculpture, painting, photography? The Decorative Arts – Wood, metal, textile, glass, ceramic? The Performing Arts – Theatre, music (instrumental and vocal), opera, dance, magic? The Language Arts – the written word? The Culinary Arts?  Arts Camden invites everyone to participate in the up-to-date compilation of an artisan guide for the county.
Dedicated to encourage, promote, and support art in all its mediums for the people of Camden County is the commitment of Arts Camden. To this end, the organization has a mission to identify and compile a listing of those artisans. The Arts Camden Registry will list each participant including contact information and areas of expertise. Meant to provide an artists database, the registry will provide an infinite number of benefits to include professional networking and opportunities, notification of special programs, conferences, as well as an association with individuals who share a passion or interest in similar art forms.
There is neither a subscription nor listing fee for the Arts Camden Registry. The listing will be readily available digitally on the Arts Camden website and in printed form at local welcome centers, inns, hotels, tourist information centers, and a vast array of other information sources throughout the county and beyond. The registry will be an invaluable resource; for instance should you need a soloist, band, entertainment for a reception, ceremony or party; would love an original painting by a local artist for a gift or the perfect sculpture to accent your home; then there is a special evening out for fantastic local theater or an evening inside reading the muse of a home-town author.
Membership of Arts Camden is not a requirement for listing in the registry, but why wouldn’t you? The organization is devoted to endorsing the arts. What better association is there for your membership? The benefits of membership far outweigh the very reasonable membership fee. If you pursue the area of concentration as an occupation, membership in professional organizations is a tax-deductible expense.
For more information on inclusion in The Arts Camden Registry or for the exciting benefits of membership contact Arts Camden at (912) 882-ARTSÂ Â Â or via email at
Arts Camden is an approved United Way and Combined Federal Campaign agency. Your annual contribution is guaranteed to support the arts in Camden County. Our CFC number is 6022