The Anicent Order of Hibernians, Ladies Ancient Order of Hiberians, South Carolina
Irish Historical Society and Knights of Columbus host this annual celebration in honor/memory of Saint Patrick, Ireland’s Patron Saint.
Schedule of Festivities (to be held in Downtown Charleston):
March 13 – Irish Variety Show @ 7 PM @ the Sottile Theatre, 44 George Street (between King and Saint Philip Streets). Sponsored by the South Carolina Irish Historical Society as a South Carolina Irish Memorial Benefit, this year’s show will feature the Charleston Men’s Chorus, Na Fidleiri (Charleston’s Young Irish Fiddlers), etc. Tickets and information: (843) 556-3578/953-5623.
March 14 – Saint Patrick’s Day Mass @ a time to be announced @ the Saint Patrick’s Catholic Church, 134 Saint Philip Street (@ Radcliffe).
March 15 – Saint Patrick’s Day Parade, commencing @ 10 AM, and proceeding from Radcliffe to King, Broad and Legare Streets. Following the Parade will be the Irish Flag-Raising and related ceremonies @ 11:30 AM @ the Charleston City Hall, 80 Broad Street (@ Meetng). Also, @ 12:30 PM,
there will be an Irish (corned beef and cabbage) Luncheon (with live Irish entertainment) @ 12:30 PM @ the Knights of Columbus Hall, 143 Calhoun Street (between King and Meeting Streets, opposite Marion
Everyone, whether Irish or not, is cordially invited to these festivities.
General information: (843) 556-3578.