Learn about tea traditions and experience an early 19th century tea at the Isaiah Davenport House Museum. In the 1820’s, people in Savannah of means or burgeoning means, showed their civility, hospitality and refinement by serving tea in their homes. On Thursday afternoons in May, you can learn about this early 19th century tradition at the Davenport House Museum. Participants and costumed interpreters will take late afternoon tea as they would have when the Davenports lived in the home.
The May program will take place outdoors in the museum’s garden. For information or reserve a place, call 912-236-8097 or email info@davenporthousemuseum.org. Admission is $18 per adult and $14 for students ages 8 to 17.
Isaiah Davenport House Museum. 912-236-8097
Tea in the Davenport’s Garden takes place on Thursday afternoons from May 8 – 29. The Davenport House is a property of Historic Savannah Foundation.
Click here to view the video from Davenport House.