Bluegrass Bonanza and Dance Alfresco will be presented at a beautiful, serene development in Summerville called The Ponds. This new community of homes includes an outdoor amphitheatre, a restored 19th century farmhouse, scores of walking trails, pristine ponds, and amazing trees and wildlife – they’ve even hired a full-time conservancy director to ensure that the natural beauty of this amazing location is preserved for future generations.
The Ponds: Amphitheatre
Monday, May 26, 2008
The Amphitheatre at The Ponds
Robert Ivey Ballet Co. gives a moving performance of Shel Silverstein’s The Giving Tree; dancers from Rollings Middle School for the Arts, directed by Amanda Callison, display their talents at a beautiful outdoor venue.
BluegrassBonanza-YeehawJunctionBLUEGRASS BONANZA
Sunday, June 1, 2008 from 6:30-9pm
Farmhouse Pavilion at The Ponds
Enjoy the lively folk music of Kathie Livingston (vocals, banjo, guitar) followed
by Yeehaw Junction, the Lowcountry’s favorite Bluegrass group, at this picnic-style, family-friendly hoedown in a gorgeous rustic setting.
For more information about this beautiful venue, The Ponds, please visit their website at