Governor’s Cup Billfishing Series: Charleston Harbor Resort and Marina Billfish Tournament
The Governor’s Cup Billfishing Series is an annual, umbrella event encompassing many of South Carolina’s billfish tournaments. A concept of former S.C. Governor Carroll A. Campbell, the Series is designed to promote the state’s billfishing tournament industry, increase coastal tourism and encourage the conservation of ocean pelagic fish species through tag and release of billfish. Boats participating in the series amass points for billfish either landed or released. Anglers compete for three major awards: Outstanding Billfish (single heaviest billfish), Outstanding Billfish Boat (most accumulated points) and Outstanding Billfish Conservationist (most points for released fish). Only one point per pound is awarded for billfish landed. 600 release points are awarded for blue marlin, 300 points for white marlin, and 200 points for sailfish.
Awards are given for the outstanding tuna, dolphin and wahoo, and female and youth angler awards are also presented. Prior to the Governor’s Cup, less than ten percent of billfish caught were released. Inspired by the conservation message of the Series, anglers are now releasing record numbers of billfish caught in South Carolina waters. By encouraging billfish release, the Series has focused attention on the sharp decline of Atlantic billfish and encouraged conservation of all marine resources.
This year marks the 20th anniversary of the SCGC Series
- May 28 – 31: 41st Annual Georgetown Blue Marlin Tournament
- June 25 – 28: Charleston Harbor Resort and Marina Billfish Tournament
- July 9 – 12: HMY/Viking Megadock Billfishing Tournament
- July 23 – 26: Bohicket Marina Invitational Billfish Tournament