2008 Piccolo Spoleto Festival presents
Sundown Poetry Series: Barbara G. S. Hagerty
Barbara Hagerty is a Charleston native, essayist, and poet whose work has appeared in many national, regional, and local publications. The author of two books on the cultural meanings and metaphors inherent in the bags we carry, she has an M.A. in Creative writing from the The Johns Hopkins University. Amember of the Long Table Poets workshop, she is currently at work on a book-length volume of poetry.
Monday, June 2, 2008 from 6:30 pm- 7:30 pm
City Gallery at Waterfront Park
Admission: Free
City Gallery at Waterfront Park, 34 Prioleau Street, Unit A, Charleston, SC 29401
For More Information on Piccolo Spoleto Please Contact: City of Charleston Office of Cultural Affairs, 180 Meeting Street, Suite 200, Charleston, South Carolina 29401