If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a photographic history book coming out about Summerville should be priceless. With a little help from generous townspeople, the book surely will be.
Summerville D.R.E.A.M. (Downtown Restoration, Enhancement and Management) is looking for old photographs that might be used in Summerville, a pictorial history to be published by Arcadia Publishing in its Images of America series, for the 2009 Golden Age of Summerville Festival.
The importance of family collections cannot be overemphasized. Vintage photographs become increasingly fragile and by scanning and reproducing them in a book, they become available for all to see.
Anyone having photographs to be considered for Images of America: Summerville may contact the Summerville D.R.E.A.M. office at jami@summervilledream.org or 843-821-7260.