Ricardo Acosta’s “Dance of My Heart†is a sensitive, well documented portrait of the Cuban dancer/choreographer Alberto Alonso. The co-creator of the Cuban classical ballet style and the choreographer of Carmen Suite, Alonso, up until December 2007, lived his last years working every day at Santa Fe Community College in north Florida. He danced with some of the most important ballet dancers of the 21st century and taught his students how to dance with the same passion and professionalism he used his entire life. The film is not only an ode to the Nestor of classical Cuban dance, but also an ode to the power of art, the power of love and the power of beauty that will not succumb to the power of time. The sensuality that is the heartbeat of Cuban dance is beautifully reflected in Alonso’s timeless choreography and in the vibrant editing by Ricardo Acosta in his directorial debut. Dance of my heart is an inspiring documentary that makes you want to dance and swing on the powerful energy of love and life that cannot be destroyed by time and age.
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