The morning was cold, very cold, but as soon as the sun came up, the weather was perfect for running. The Pirate Run 5K and 10K takes place in Fernandina every year and is organized by the Amelia Island Runners.
This year the new race headquarters was located at St. Peter’s Church. This is a very well organized event. There are pirates in customes cheering the runners at almost every street corner. The beautiful course goes through town out on the Greenway at Egans Creek.
This year I ran with my sister, Camilla, who is visiting from Sweden. This was her first 5K ever. First-timers received a special medal and she was lucky enough to win a basket of coffee.
After the race, there was a post-race pancake breakfast. The atmosphere at this event is very friendly, and if you’re looking for a fun and unusual race on the coast for next year, this is one experience you don’t want to miss.