Thousands of Americans wearing teal to increase awareness about the deadly disease on the first Friday in September–September 4, 2009 — called National Teal Day.
There are lots of ways to show your support, and lots of activities in our area from 5K walks, to a golf tournament in Daytona Beach and even a Butterfly Release in South Carolina. Check out the list below.
Teal is the ovarian cancer community’s color and serves as a reminder that ovarian cancer is the deadliest of all the cancers of the reproductive system and a leading cause of cancer death among women.
For more information, visit
Ovarian Cancer Alliance of North Florida, Inc.
Phone: (850)445-9338
Saturday, September 5th
First Annual Masquerade Charity Social
Paradigm 115 West College Ave. Tallahassee, FL @ 6:00pm
Wednesday, September 16th
Support Mixer at Lee’s Wine Bar – Lake Ella Shopping Center from 7:00pm – 9:00pm.
Meet, mingle and network with local patients, survivors and their families.
Ovarian Cancer Alliance of Florida
Phone: (470)339-0024
Wednesday, September 9th
Pink Tealie Awards – 5:30pm @ the Rosen Center
Friday, September 11th
OvaCome’s Teal Triumphs
Saturday, September 12th
Space Coast Sister Run
Sunday, September 13th
Treasure Coast Ovarian Cancer Alliance Candlelight Vigil
Wednesday, September 16th
Presentation at R.O.S.E. support group
Friday, September 18th
Awareness breakfast and “dress down for the cause” day at Holland and Knight, LLP
Friday, September 25th
Darden Restaurants Community Day
Sunday, September 27th
6th Annual Ovarian Cancer Alliance of Florida Golf Tournament at Indigo Lakes Golf
Club, Daytona Beach, Fl.
Ovarian Cancer Alliance of Florida – Space
Coast, Inc.
Phone: (321)784-3772
Saturday, September 12th
Sister Run
FORCE: Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered
Phone: (954) 255-8732
Web site:
September- October 2008
Passing of the Torch from Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month to Breast Cancer
Awareness Month
Passing of the Torch is an event that highlights the hereditary link between breast
and ovarian cancer, honors cancer survivors and those at high risk, remembers
those who lives have been lost to cancer, and recognizes families that have been
affected by cancer. A ceremonial flame is passed from an ovarian cancer survivor to
a breast cancer survivor marking the transition from Ovarian Cancer Awareness
Month to Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Ovacome Ovarian Cancer Support and
Advocacy of Tampa Bay
Phone: (813) 223-9108
Friday, September 11th
Teal Triumphs Tightens Up
Joseph’s Hospital Medical Arts Building @ 6:00pm
Georgia Ovarian Cancer Alliance
Phone: (404) 255-1337
Every Tuesday in September
Dine in to Overcome Ovarian Cancer
Saturday, September 26th
Overcome Ovarian Cancer 5K Walk @ 8:00am (registration); 10:00am (Walk
begins). For more information visit:
South Carolina Ovarian Cancer Foundation
Phone: (864)325-6296;
Thursday, September 17th @6:30pm
Annual Handbags for Hope – a silent purse auction and reception.
Tuesday, September 29th @ 5:30pm
Whispering 2009 Butterfly Release @ SC State House Grounds (Gervais Street
side) – To promote awareness of the whispering symptoms of ovarian cancer the SC
Ovarian Cancer Foundation Riverbanks Region Chapter will release hundreds of
butterflies. Butterflies are available for purchase for $25 each in memory or honor of
loved ones.