The Jacksonville Axemen are inviting all local Rugby players, supporters and fans to join them for a night at the movies on December 11 for the opening of the new Rugby movie “Invictus”. The Axemen have designed the night as a fundraiser for the Jacksonville area USO and also for the local Rugby Clubs to help them with the development of the sport in the Jacksonville area.
The USO is the official charity of the Jacksonville Axemen and as with most of their events, a $1 raffle will be held in association with the movie night and all proceeds from the raffle will be donated to the USO. There will be three great prizes to be won and the lovely Axe Maiden Cheerleaders will be on hand selling tickets prior the movie starting.
The Axemen are selling 200 tickets to the movie for $9 each that they pre-purchased at a discounted price. 100% of the profit from these sales will be evenly donated to the three local area Rugby Union clubs that have helped the Axemen promote and expose events over the past year. The Jacksonville Mens Rugby, UNF Rugby and the JAX Womens Rugby teams will all be on-site to help support the event and take the opportunity to expose their clubs and to attract interest from new fans and potential players. Axemen event planner, Spinner Howland, commented on the similarity of the movie plot and the use of it for this event. “Invictus is based around how the sport of Rugby was used to unite the nation of South Africa after Nelson Mandela took office. Using this movie as a joint effort that includes all the Jacksonville area rugby clubs is a perfect fit to bring us all together not only to help raise money for the USO but also to help us become a stronger force in the community by working to promote and expose our sport under the one banner. Just like Rugby united the nation of South Africa – We are using the movie Invictus to united Jacksonvilles Rugby community.”
The Jacksonville South African Club will also attend the event and one of their members who has been a long time rugby player for the Jacksonville Mens team and is the current coach for the JAX Womens team will open the movie with a short speech on the impact the sport has had on him and his home nation.
Following the movie all those fans who are 21+ will be invited to join the teams at Time Out Sports Grill where they can use their movie ticket to get a $1 Bottle of Bud or Bud Light or a $2 Bottle of Barons Black Wattle that is the official beer of the Jacksonville Axemen.