St Augustine has one of most beautiful lighthouses on the coast. It’s black and red silhouette is a known landmark. If you haven’t had an opportunity to visit, once of the best times is of course during the annual Lighthouse Festival.
This year it’s the 8th Annual Festival, the event takes place on Saturday, March 20, 2010. St. Augustine Lighthouse & Museum offers free admission to the tower, the museum and the grounds during the festival.
This is a great event for both children and adults. There is always special games and crafts for children, great food, pony rides, and archaeological activities. Children can even buy, build and sail their own model boat in the pond, which is always a popular activity.
The Michelob Ultra Twilight 5K Run starts at 4:30 p.m. on the road in front of the Keeper’s House.
About 8,000+ visitors show up for the festival throughout the day, so plan to come early and stay for a while. Free parking will be available at the St. Augustine Amphitheatre (which is probably your best bet for parking) and there is a shuttle that will take you from there to the festival. Paid event parking will also be available at the Lighthouse & Museum.
For more information call (904) 829-0745 or visit www.staugustinelighthouse.com