On February 2, the famous groundhog   Punxsutawney Phil comes out of his burrow on Gobbler’s Knob – in front of thousands of followers from all over the world – to predict the weather for the rest of winter.
According to legend, if Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow, there will be six more weeks of winter weather. If he does not see his shadow, there will be an early spring.
When the groundhog emerges from his burrow on February 2, he speaks to the Groundhog Club president in “Groundhogese”(a language only understood by the current president of the Inner Circle). His proclamation is then translated for the world.
The celebration of Groundhog Day began with Pennsylvania’s earliest settlers, and now you can watch it all happen live on February 2 via the webcast directly from Gobbler’s Knob in Pennsylvania.
Here is the link to the webcast: