Santa will be making another stop in Historic Downtown Summerville appearing at Elf Central on Saturday, Dec. 20 from 12 to 4 p.m. Santa, Mrs. Claus and their elves will be visiting with all children and taking photos of the moment.
Elf Central is located at 227 South Cedar Street (Wells Fargo). Children may have their photos taken with Santa and leave with a candy cane. And even better news, local businesses and individuals have donated to bring Santa at no cost to you! Come to Elf Central for a free visit with Santa and receive a photo of your child and an extra value coupon book worth over $1500 for downtown businesses.
Capture the charm of shopping and strolling in Historic Downtown Summerville this holiday season, where parking is free and walking from shop to shop is as easy as a step around the corner. Enjoy an Old Fashioned Christmas experience with friendly folks, Southern warmth and a visit from Santa. Gift certificates are available, good in all DREAM member businesses. Shop locally and support your community! Call 843-821-7260 or visit for more information.
Summerville D.R.E.A.M. (Downtown Restoration, Enhancement and Management) is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life in Summerville by enhancing the aesthetic, cultural, social and economic aspects of the Historic Downtown district while preserving its historic identity. Affiliated with Main Street SC (MASC) and the National Main Street Association, Summerville D.R.E.A.M. works to enhance community identity and pride by providing “hometown” events, assisting businesses with design improvements, building tourism and marketing Historic Downtown Summerville to residents and guests. For more information, please call 843-821-7260 or visit our Web site at