Love trains? Come to Folkston for Railwatch Days on Saturday April 11, 2009. This event brings train aficionados from all across the country to observe, record and enjoy trains. The railroad junction in Folkston sees more trains passing through than any other railroad junction on the eastern seaboard, so no wonder this is a place to visit for the enthusiasts.
Schedule for the event:
- Free coffee and donuts at the platform at daybreak on Saturday morning.
- Platform ceremony at 10:00 am
- New Town railroad mural dedication at noon
- Using ATCS with the internet – Barry Baines (clinic held at the old depot) at 1:00pm
- Editing your railroad video for YouTube – Danny Harmon (clinic at old depot) at 2:00pm
CSX Signals 201 with Frank DeFalco (clinic held at depot building) at 3:00pm
Burger and Hot Dog cookout at the platform at 6:00 pm
Outdoor slideshow presented by Tom Imlay – Saturday night
Photo Contest – All day at depot – sponsored by the Okefenokee Chamber of Commerce ($100 cash prize for best of show)
For more information about the event contact Charlton County Chamber of Commerce at 912-496-2536