A Traditional Gospel Praise Concert – Hilton Head, South Carolina
This event on Friday, February 15, 7:30 p.m., celebrates popular and historical and homegrown gospel music, as well s traditional spirituals. This year we are pleased to present Rev. Charles Hamilton and God’s Messengers and the Community Annual. Admission – Donation
Central Oak Grove Missionary Baptist Church (Rev. Louis Johnson, Pastor), 161 Mathews Drive. For more information, please visit the website for the Gullah Celebration on Hilton Head Island.
HGTV’s Green Home Is Already Receiving Attention – Hilton Head, South Carolina
Back in December of 2007, Home and Garden Television announced its first “Green Home” sweepstakes. According to the Island Packet, the security at Tradition Hilton Head was added shortly after the announcement was made. They want to make sure no photos of the house get out. The “Green Home” will be featured on air on March 23, at 9 pm by HGTV.
Click here to read the complete article.
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A Celebration of Authors and Books – Hilton Head, South Carolina
Don’t miss this popular literary gathering of lovers of cookbooks, fiction, children’s books and history who meet and greet authors, hear readings, and taste recipes. Featured in 2008 will be Ronald Daise – “Gullah Branches, West African Roots;†Emory S. Campbell – “Gullah Cultural Legacies revised edition;†Pauline M. Brown – “The Woman Who Lived Between the Walls;†Marquetta Goodwine AKA Queen Quet – “Tinkin Bout Famlee;†Sallie Ann Robinson – “Gullah Home Cooking;†Delores Nevils – “Forty Acres and a Mule;†and Tracey Faulkner – “In Pursuit of Happiness†and “The Three Graces.†Ms. Robinson will prepare and serve homemade biscuits and preserves.
Sunday, February 10, 4 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Visit the Gullah Celebration website for more information
Documentary Gullah Film Fest – Hilton Head, South Carolina
Hosted by Dr. Emory S. Campbell – Double Feature Finale on Monday, February 18, 2008, 7 p.m.
Remnants of Mitchelville
This documentary film produced by Jimmy Henderson of Columbia, South Carolina, focuses on the history and legacy of Mitchelville. Henderson tells through a variety of visual formats film, video tape, newspapers, photographs, and memorabilia…†At its peak, Mitchelville, South Carolina, one of the first settlements for freed men in the United States, was a bustling, energetic beach township, boasting almost 1500 residents.
Documentary Gullah Film Fest – Hilton Head, South Carolina
Documentary Gullah Film Fest
Hosted by Dr. Emory S. Campbell
God’s Gonna Trouble the Water
Narrator Ruby Dee relates the little-known history of the ancestors of African-American slaves who settled in the Sea Islands off the coast of South Carolina and Georgia. Scholars and locals recount the history of the Gullah people, and discuss the influences of praise houses, West African songs and dances, and the Gullah language on African-American customs and lifestyle. The history of the Gullah people — descendants of West African slaves who formed a culture distinctly their own in the Sea Islands of South Carolina and Georgia. They continue to practice their dialect, diet, religion, music, arts and ethnicity today in Beaufort County.
Admission – Donation – Coligny Theater, Coligny Plaza. Monday, February 11, 7 p.m
For more information about the Gullah Celebration, please visit their website.