Free live music directly across from Giada’s Cafe and Restaurant, located in St. James Square, one block south of 38th Ave and Grissom Parkway. Limited seating. Lawn chairs and picnics welcome.
Giada’s Cafe and Restaurant in St. James Square. Call 843-692-9662 x28
Register for the Beach, Boogie & BBQ 5K, 1 mile or Tot Trot
MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. – Lace up those running shoes and get ready for the Beach, Boogie & BBQ 5K Run/Walk, 1-Mile Run and 50-Yard Tot Trot Aug. 29, organized by the Grand Strand Running Club. New this year, the event takes place around the scenic lake in Grand Park, across the street from The Market Common, as part of the third annual Beach, Boogie & BBQ Festival Aug. 29-30.
Pre-register for the event by Aug. 28 and receive a T-shirt (5K and 1-mile run/walk participants only). Pre-register by Aug. 14 and receive a discount on the entry fee.
2008 Sun Fun Summer Concert Series – Myrtle Beach, SC
Concert – Beach Music with the Legends at 7:00 pm at the Grand Park opposite The Market Common
For more information, please call 843-626-7444 or visit
Labor Day Weekend Celebration – Myrtle Beach, SC
End your summer with a spectacular fireworks show on Saturday night, concert in Celebrity Square, street entertainers, mascot appearances, and more!
This is a “Kid Friendly” Event
Location: 1325 Celebrity Circle, Myrtle Beach
Please call 843-444-3200 or visit for more information.
Carolina Panther Junior Training Camp – Myrtle Beach, SC
Limited to first 100 participants ages 7-14. A no contact football training camp sponsered by the Carolina Panthers at Ashley Booth Field. No charge.
For more info please call 843-918-1475