This annual spring event is great for the whole family for easter – they even have an egghunt for the little ones. The festival is organized by The Mandarin Community Club and in 2011 it’s actually time for the 43rd annual Mandarin Art Festival on April 23 and 24, 2011. More than 100 artists are expected to participate this year. Paintings, jewelry, pottery, photography and more will all be on display and for sale.
In addition to the art festival there is also the Green Market (Billard Park), the traditional bake sale (inside Club Building) and the popular Egg Hunt for children 10 and under (Sunday at the Walter Jones Park). The Club will sponsor a raffle of prizes including an autographed football from the Jacksonville Jaguars, passes to the Jacksonville Zoo, passes good for the St. Johns Riverkeeper boat tours, a “Taste of Mandarin” dining gift basket, and a wild-life print on canvas from Garber Photography. The raffle will be located near the Club table.
Free parking with shuttle service will be available from the Mandarin Presbyterian Church on Mandarin Road. An entry fee of $1 per person will be collected at the gate.
Children’s Art Show
One of the most popular events of the annual Mandarin Art Festival is the Children’s Art Show. Featuring artwork from as many as 20 of our area public and private elementary schools, the Show will be held within the Club Building over the two-day period. For many children, this show is their first opportunity to exhibit their art to a large public audience. Chris Buckley returns this year as Chairwoman of the event and Marsha Blackford will serve as judge. Ribbons will be presented in three grade levels, K-2, 3-5 and 6-8. Best overall awards will also be given to individual students as well as school entries. Choosing from all the great artwork always proves to be the most challenging task of the weekend. Cathy David of Young Rembrandts will present art demonstration lessons throughout the weekend. It is a great opportunity for young and old alike to sit down to do an activity together. This is offered at no cost to vistors and will be located inside the Club building as well.