The Right Whale Festival takes place on November 19, 2011, from 10am – 4pm at Seawalk Pavilion, Jacksonville Beach, Florida .
With as few as 350 remaining, North Atlantic right whales are in jeopardy and are often threatened by human activities. The mission of the Right Whale Festival is to celebrate right whales and the beginning of their calving season. The Right Whales start to arrive off the coast of Florida and Georgia at this time of year. Each winter right whales migrate south along the east coast of the U.S. to give birth and raise their calves in our warm coastal waters before returning to their feeding grounds by early April. Right whales face constant threats, such as boat collisions and fishing gear entanglements, associated with sharing their coastal home with humans. The goal is to engage the community and heighten public awareness of both right whales and the importance of the area as the whales make their seasonal return to the waters off Florida and Georgia  coast — the only known North Atlantic right whale calving grounds.
This one-day family-oriented festival will feature children’s activities, music, beach cleanup, and other activities geared towards informing and inspiring the community about right whales, their habitat, and conservation needs. This year it will be the third year for the festival.
Here is our video from the festival:
2011 Tentative Schedule of EventsÂ
- 9Â AM:Â Beach Run: 5K and Run Run. (click here to register)
- 9 – 11 AM: Beach Cleanup
- 10 AM: Festival Officially Begins! Kids’s Activities, Booth, Exhibits, Obstacle Course, Silent Auction, and More!
- 10:30 – Noon: Live Children’s Music (Saltwater Cowgirls)
- Noon – 1:30: Live Music (Split Tone)
- 1:30 – 2 PM: More live Children’s Music
- 2 – 4 PM: Live Music with Split Tone continues on Main Stage
- 4 PM: Silent Auction Ends – don’t miss your chance to get great deals AND help a great cause!
For more information visit