The week-long Seafood Jazz & Brew Festival returns to Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, on September 13 – 18, 2010. Come celebrate the world of craft brew at this anticipated event.
Seafood Jazz & Brew Festival on Hilton Head Island includes include beer tastings, beer and food pairings, and of course plenty of jazz performances. This festival utilizes the coastal locations of the Shelter Cove Community Park and the Shelter Cove Harbour. 2010 marks the 3rd annual event to transpire at Shelter Cover Harbour. Don’t miss the Men Drinking Beer (MDB) Grand Tasting or the Public Beer Tasting, September 18th at Shelter Cove Marina’s Brew on the Harbour.
Here is our interview:
Here is the rundown of the event:
Seafood, Beer and Food Pairings/Tastings
Monday – Friday, September 13-17, 2010
Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
Island Restaurants showcase seafood menus and special beer offerings throughout the week! TBA for 2010.
Time: varies per venue
Cost to Attend: varies per venue
Reservations: Encouraged and vary per venue
Attire: varies per venue
Admission: Events transpire rain or shine.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Jazz at the Park
Friday, September 17, 2010
Shelter Cove Community Park
The Hilton Head Symphony Orchestra hosts a jazz performance as an extension of their Picnic & Pops Program. Bring a picnic from home, select one of the island’s premier catering outlets to pack your basket, or purchase food and drink onsite from Street Meet and the Budweiser wagon. Enjoy a great evening of food and music “under the stars!
Music: Howard Paul Quintet, Howard Paul – Guitar; Other Musicians to be named
Time: 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. Picnic; Concert begins at 7:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m.
Cost to Attend: $10 per person; Children Free
Attire: Casual and appropriate for the weather
Admission: Event Transpires Rain or Shine. Requires admission.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
2nd Annual Men Drinking Beer (MDB) Event on Hilton Head Island
Shelter Cove Harbour
11:30A-1:30P. Cost is $30/person.
MDB Admission Package includes:
MDB Only Access Area at Pre-Event Beer and Food Tasting beginning at 11:30a (Brews on the Harbour)
MDB Early and Discounted Admission to Brews on the Harbour at 1:30p; General Admission beings at 2p.
MDB 2nd Annual Tasting Glass
MDB Badge to participate in Brews on the Harbour Beer Panel
MDB Special Offers by Local Merchants
Brews on the Harbour
Shelter Cove Harbour
Tasting attendees will pay a one-time fee which will get them a wrist band (indicating that they are 21 years of age or older and have paid), a tasting glass and 10 tasting tokens. Additional tasting tokens can be purchased day of event @ $1 per token. There will also be a designated driver program, merchandise, and of course, plenty of food will be available for purchase.
Time: 2:00 – 6:00 p.m. Public Tastings; Musical Entertainment continues to 8:00 p.m.
Cost to Attend: $20 per person day of event+ 10 tasting tokens
Note: Hilton Head Island residents can purchase advance admission for tasting at $15 per person through August 30, 2010; Designated Drivers admit for $3; Family events free or nominal activity cost.
Attire: Casual and appropriate for the weather
Admission: Event transpires rain or shine. Requires admission purchase to taste.
Music: To be announced
11:30 – 1:30p Men Drinking Beer (see above)
2:00 General Public Tasting session begins
Home Brew Demonstration (time to transpire to be determined)
After a hiatus in 2009, the home brew component returns in 2010 with an educational offering to inspire attendees to become a home brewer.
2:00 – 4:00 Fish & Friends
Family- friendly activity transpires from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, September 19th as part of the Brews on the Harbour public tasting and includes active learn and play options for children 9 years and younger. This area has been hosted in the past by the Waddell Mariculture Center, the SandBox, and Puppet Factory/Kidstown.
2:00-5:30 Bark for your Beer (5:15 Last call to bid)
Support the Hilton Head Humane Association by bidding on beer and beer related products at their silent auction tent.
2:30 Sunset Rotary Oyster Shucking Contest (3:30 Winners Announced and Recognized)
Sunset Rotary brings back its fall challenge for commercial and amateur contenders alike to showcase their “shucking talent.†First place winners in both categories will receive a $100 cash prize include and an honorary “best sport†will also be appointed appropriately with the golden bucket traveling trophy!
5:00 Last call to participate in the Public Vote for Best Beer on the Harbour
5:30 Beer and Food panels complete the judging process
6:00 Beer and Food Acknowledgements; General Public Tasting concludes
6:00 – 8:00 Music continues on the Harbour
Brewing After 8 (Saturday Late Night)
The island’s food and beverage community brings together a host of later evening options through an activity blotter called “Brewing After 8.â€