A most unique holiday exhibition will take place at the Cultural Center from December 2nd through December 9th, 2009, when Dannehl M. Twomey’s wonderfully creative “Santas of the Old World: Toys, Legends & Traditions” will be display. Dannehl creates Santas that appear to have been made in the 1800’s and sculpts each head individually and adds antique textiles and toys to create a unique Santa that reflects that time period.
Featured in Southern Living, Dannehl’s Santa figures are created to look as though they were created by your great-great-grandmother and handed down through the family for generations.
This exhibit will appeal to children and adults of all ages. The Cultural Center is open Monday through Friday, 9am – 5pm; Saturday 10am – 4pm.
For more information please call The Cultural Center at Ponte Vedra Beach at (904) 280-0614 or visit www.ccpvb.org