This is one of the great living history events on the coast of Georgia that returns every year. On Saturday and Sunday, February 6-7, 2010, from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., it’s time again for the annual Georgia Days Colonial Faire and Muster. Here you can take a giant step back into history on the site of one of the most beautiful colonial-era plantations of the Georgia coast. Have fun and learn about our past at the same time. Make sure to visit the ruins of the plantation house and slave cabin.
Highlights of this weekend-long event include cannon and musket firing; blacksmithing, craft, and cooking demonstrations; Native American and slave life interpretations; and period music and dance. This is a free event.
The Colonial Faire and Muster is part of GHS’s Georgia Days, a month-long commemoration of Georgia’s rich history, and GHS’s signature educational event of the year.
For more information about Georgia Days, visit and follow the Georgia Days links.
Click here to read more about events on Georgia Days
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