This film will be played at The New Jacksonville Landing Cinematheque, admission is $8.00 per person. For just about everybody, adolescence means having to confront a number of choices and life decisions, but rarely any as monumental as the one facing 15 year-old Alex (Inés Efron,) who was born an intersex child. As Alex begins to explore her sexuality, her mother invites friends including their 16-year old son Ãlvaro (MartÃn Piroyanski.) from Buenos Aires to come for a visit at their home on the gorgeous Uruguayan shore. Alex is immediately attracted to the young man, which adds yet another level of complexity to her personal search for identity, and forces both families to face their worst fears.
Please note: Due to the strong theme of the film, anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
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