Savannah Arts Academy’s Silver Winds Ensemble will present a concert at the Jewish Educational Alliance (5111 Abercorn) on Sunday, May 10th at 3:00 p.m. The concert is FREE & OPEN to the public.
The Silver Winds Ensemble (SWE) has earned consecutive Superior Ratings at the Georgia Music Educators Association Performance Evaluation Festival and Shamrock Music Festival in Dublin, Georgia since the opening of Savannah Arts in 1998. SWE most recently traveled to Troy University after being invited to perform for the Southeastern United States Honor Band Clinic. Many SWE Alumni are now attending universities and conservatories.
Each year, SWE members audition and are selected to the Governor’s Honors Program, Various University Honor Bands, Georgia Music Educators Association (GMEA) District One Honor Band, GMEA All-State Jazz and GMEA Concert Band. The Georgia House of Representatives and State Senate has commended Silver Winds on several occasions in the area of performance.
Michael Hutchinson, SWE’s conductor, now in his 25th year of teaching, was named Savannah Arts Academy’s 2000 Teacher of the Year, He is a graduate of VanderCook School of Music and Troy State University has
directed Silver Winds since the opening of Savannah Arts Academy.
Mr. Hutchinson is a member of:
• National Band Association
• National Educators Association
• Georgia Educators Association
• International Association of Jazz Educators
• Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity
• Blue Key National Honor Society
• Music Educators National Conference
• Society for General Music .
Please join the Silver Winds Ensemble for a magical musical treat honoring our wonderful mothers.