The story “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens was first published back in December 1843. This is the story about Ebenezer Scrooge who finds out the true meaning of Christmas. Dickens’ novella met with instant success and critical acclaim back in the day, and the story is still as popular.
A Christmas Carol is an all-new production, featuring some of the Golden Isles’ most talented performers of all ages. And once again, Brunswick Mayor Bryan Thompson will be recreating his unforgettable performance as the miserly old Scrooge himself.
Beside adding the saying “Bah! Humbug!” to the English language, Dickens also influenced many aspects of Christmas and who we are celebrating it today. According to Wikipedia, Mr. Fairbanks attended a reading of the story on Christmas Eve in Boston, Massachusetts in 1867, and was so moved he closed his factory on Christmas Day and sent every employee a turkey.
And it really doesn’t matter if you’ve heard the story a hundred times before, this is a funny, spooky and always pertinent holiday show you want to share with family and friends.
Click here to buy tickets now!
A Christmas Carol
Friday-Saturday, December 10-11 and 17-18, 2010 at 8:00 p.m.
Sunday, December 19. 2010 at 3:00 p.m.
Advance: GIAHA Members – $15 adults, $10 seniors (65+), $5 ages 18 and under
Non-Members – $20/$15/$5
Day of show: Members – $20 adults, $15 seniors (65+), $5 ages 18 and under
Non-Members – $25/$20/$5