AHOY MATES! Swashbucklers of all ages will be converging on South Beach on Tybee Island to participate in the 4th Annual Tybee Island Pirate Fest! Featuring a pirate invasion, pirate victory parade, free live entertainment, costume contest, children’s events, and the Thieves Market filled with treasures, grog and grub! For more details, please visit www.tybeefest.com or call 912-786-5444
Labor Day Beach Bash – Tybee Island, GA
Come relax on the beach and enjoy Labor Day. This event takes place at Tybee island Pier & Pavilion. Live music, lots of fun and fireworks!
The 8-Tracks
7:00pm to 9:00pm
Cover band playing a combination of rock n’ roll, classic country and soul music.
Liquid Ginger
9:00pm to 11:00pm
Founded in 1999, Liquid Ginger is one of the Southeast’s premiere original rock bands. Instrumental overtones of Pop, Dance, Alternative, and Classic Rock, and lead vocals with hints of R&B, and Contemporary Pop and Rock, are combined to give this band a distinctive, soulful flavor. Liquid Ginger transposes these many genres into an eclectic mix of high-energy songs that appeal to a wide variety of audiences. Liquid Ginger’s live shows are an affective avalanche of high energy, consisting of emotionally charged original tunes and a wide assortment of carefully selected cover songs, making the group a sought-after commodity in their hometowns of Savannah and Atlanta, GA.
August 31st from 7 pm – 11 pm.
For more details, please visit www.tybeefest.com or call 912-786-5444
4th of July in Georgia – Weekly Show
Weekly show from Coastal Companion about Upcoming events in Georgia. This episode is for the week of July 4, 2008. Find out how to celebrate Independence day Riverstreet style in Savannah, watch fireworks on Tybee Island, visit Fort King George for Cannons Across the Marsh or visit the small town of St Marys for a family-friendly Fourth of July festival. Find out what to see, what to do and where to go.
Fourth of July Fireworks on the Beach – Tybee Island
Tybee Island celebrates Independence Day Celebration with fireworks on the beach. Come early, and expect to leave late, because the island fills up fast. Tybee Island is only a 20 min drive from Savannah, Georgia. This is one of the biggest event on Tybee Island. Fireworks will begin at 9:15 p.m. For more information, please call 912.786.5444.
Fireworks on the Beach – Tybee Island, Georgia
Come to the beach on Tybee Island for 4th of July fireworks.
for more information, please contact:
Tybee Island Visitor Center, 802 First Street, Tybee Island, GA 31328
912-786-5444 or visit www.tybeevisit.com