Find out what Joe picked fo Georgia this week
Events and Festivals South Carolina 3909
Watch Joe’s Pick of the Week for South Carolina
New Videos Uploaded!
Just in case you didn’t notice, new videos have been uploaded for Florida, South Carolina and Georgia.
Coastal Companion produces three episodes a week of our weekly show where Joe presents his favorite event on the coast. (You can read all about the selection process – and find out how to submit your ideas by clicking here!)
What to do this week on the coast. Just uploaded!
I have just uploaded the new weekly shows from Coastal Companion. Find out what events I picked for this week and see if you agreed or disagreed with me.
Love it – hate it, either way, I’m looking forward to your comments.
What are you up to this weekend? Send me an email and let me know if you have a great idea that you’d like to share with our readers.
>>To watch the videos, please visit our page for
Coastal Companion Weekly Shows<<
If you haven’t seen the show before, all you need to know is that I pick an event every week. There is a video each state; Florida, South Carolina and Georgia. To read more about the whole process, just visit Coastal Companion Weekly Shows.
New Videos Uploaded for Georgia, South Carolina, Florida!
We have just uploaded new weekly episodes to our website. There is a new show for each state. Find out what Joe’s pick of the week is for your state.
Please comment and let us know what you think. Did we pick the right event?
>>Go here to watch our videos now<<
We’re looking forward to reading your comments so we can make the show even better.