ST. AUGUSTINE, FL – The San Sebastian Winery of St. Augustine, FL and Lakeridge Winery of Clermont, FL have done it again! Winning a total of fifteen awards at the 21st Annual International Wine and Juice Competition held at the Florida State Fair; both wineries continue to demonstrate the success they have enjoyed since their first entry at the Florida State Fair back in 1988.
Taking home the gold were two of San Sebastian’s top selling wines, Port, their top selling dessert wine and Vintners White their second top selling table wine. Coming in a close second and winning the silver were San Sebastian’s Vintners Red, Blanc De Fleur, and Cream Sherry and Lakeridge’s Southern White and Blanc Du Bois. Achieving the bronze are San Sebastian’s Stover Reserve, Blanc Du Bois, and Castillo Red and Lakeridge’s Crescendo Special Reserve, Blanc Du Bois, Chablis, Stover Reserve, and Cuvee Blanc.
Both San Sebastian Winery and Lakeridge Winery offer complimentary tours and wine tastings seven days a week. Their wines are also available for purchase at participating Publix, Target, Sam’s Club, Whole Foods, Sweet Bay, World Market, Fresh Market, Wine Warehouse, Total Wine and More, Winn-Dixie, and Albertsons stores throughout Florida. San Sebastian and Lakeridge wines have always been produced by “green” standards, and dedicated to remain stewards of our environment. For more information please visit or
157 King Street, St. Augustine, FL 32084
(904) 826-1594