Join with thousands of South Carolinians as they clear the beaches, rivers, lakes, marshes and swamps of aquatic debris. The cleanup, organized by the SC Sea Grant Consortium and the SC Dept of Natural Resources takes place in conjunction with the International Coastal Cleanup coordinated by The Ocean Conservancy. Once the Sweep is over, The Ocean Conservancy tallies all the debris data. This data helps us to learn the sources of the litter so we can stop pollution before it starts.
Join with thousands of volunteers worldwide in this annual coastal and river clean-up. Results of the sweep will be sent to the Center for Marine Conservation to be included with data from all fifty states and many foreign countries that will be participating in the 24th Annual International Coastal Clean-up day. We will be working out of canoes in Biggin Creek and the old canal and will clean along the banks of other areas.
TIME:9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
PROGRAM FEE: FREE PRE-REGISTRATION: Required by Thurs, September 18, 2008
MEETING PLACE: Interpretive Center
AGE LIMIT: Children under 14 must register with an adult
CONTACT: Mary S. Bell
Interpretive Center, 900 Stony Landing Road