Try MPRD’s SkateLite Pro Ramps for free. Participants must bring their own skateboard and safety equipment (helmet, knee pads and elbow pads). All skatepark rules and regulations apply. Participants must have a current, signed waiver on file.
Mt. Pleasant Recreation Department. Contact Mark Friedrich at 856-2196 or visit
Jan 17 – Free Skateboarding Day. Mt. Pleasant Skatepark, Mt. Pleasant (behind R.L. Jones Center).
Holiday Drama with Miss K. – Mount Pleasant, South Carolina
Participants will experience many aspects of the theater like improvisation, voice projection, simple script work, pantomime, musical numbers, monologues and more. $20/resident, $27/non-resident. Register in advance by calling 849-2061 or visit Mt. Pleasant Recreation Department. Contact Florine Russell at 849-2061 or visit
January 2, 2008 – Holiday Drama with Miss K. Ages 7-12. 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. G.M. Darby Building, Mt. Pleasant.
Asthma Walk 2007 – Charleston, S.C.
Help raise money to fight asthma and its often-devastating consequences at the American Lung Association’s 2007 Blow the Whistle on Asthma Walk.
In South Carolina, asthma is the #1 cause of:
>chronic illness among children.
>school absenteeism due to a chronic disease.
>hospitalization of children under 15 due to a chronic disease.
Coastal Companion Weekly — Week 27
Check out all the happenings with Coastal Companion Weekly
Culinary Tour of Charleston, South Carolina
Tickle your appetite this summer with “Savor the Flavorsâ€, a Saturday morning culinary tour through the Charleston Farmer’s Market and two other