National Get Outdoors Day is an annual event to encourage healthy, active outdoor fun. National parks across the country are celebrating this new event by waiving entrance fees. Get outdoors, and enjoy your national parks! Fort Pulaski National Monument will offer free admission to all visitors on National Get Outdoors Day 2012 – Saturday, June 9th.
Not only is Fort Pulaski one of the most well-preserved fortifications in the Southeast, but it is also surrounded by an abundance of natural beauty, looking out over the Savannah River, marshes and woodlands. “Fort Pulaski National Monument has more than 5,000 acres of beautiful natural resources and wilderness,” said Superintendent Randy Wester.
Programs scheduled for Saturday, June 9 are as listed:

10:00 AM Guided Fort Tour
11:00 Cannon Firing
12:00 PM Musket Firing
1:00 Cannon Firing
1:30 Guided Fort Tour
2:30 Musket Firing
3:00 Cannon Firing
4:00 Guided Fort Tour
5:00 Musket Firing
Extended summer hours will be available at Fort Pulaski National Monument, effective June 2, 2012. The Visitor Center and the historic fort will be open daily from 9:00 AM to 6:30 PM. The park gates will close at 6:45 PM. Please go to the official Fort Pulaski National Monument website for more details regarding park programs. Information on special offerings at parks nationwide is available at “National park vacations are always memorable and affordable,” said National Park Service Director Jonathan Jarvis. “However, in these tough economic times, we added fee free days as a way to ensure everyone has the opportunity to visit a park. I encourage everyone to sample a new park or revisit an old favorite.”
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